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Goat Addiction Alabama Slammer *B

Photo credit Goat Addiction

Photo credit Goat Addiction

SGCH/MCH Dill’s XM Keena 4*M EEEE92 @ 05-02, 2013 ADGA National Reserve CH Photo credit Goat Addiction

Photo credit Goat Addiction
Alabama's sire is GCH Dill's TS Tequila Sunrise 4*M VEEE 90, she is a 3x Grand Champion, a 2x Reserve Champion and was 9th place in the 4year old group at the 2018 ADGA National Show. Alabama's sire is Dill's F I T with a Z, who's dam is SGCH/MCH Dill's XM Keena 4*M EEEE 92 and is the 2013 ADGA National Reserve CH Senior Doe.
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D: GCH Dill's TS Tequila Sunrise 4*M
DD: GCH/MCH Dill's TG Lucille Two 3*M VEVE 90
DDD: MCH Gay-Mor's LR Kitty's Meow 2*M 2*D 'E'
DDS: Dill's LD Top Gun +B *S
DS: Dill's D Two Step +*B
DSD: SGCH NC Promisedland PAL Macarena 5*M VEEE 91
DSS: Dill's LD Derringer ++B *S
S: Dill's ROR F I T With A Z
SD: SGCH/MCH Dill's XM Keena 4*M EEEE 92
SDD: SG Dill's LD Remember 3*M 3*D
SDS: MI Sugarcreek TW Tune's XM ++*B *S
SS: Zanzabeez River On The Rocks
SSD: Zanzabeez C At The Rivers End
SSS: Dill's PL Patron *B
2022 Kids being evaluated
Linear Appraisal
2021 - +VV 84 (yearling)
Show History
2x 1st place 2 year old, 3x 2nd place 2 year old
Retained Progeny
2022 - Twist Of Fate AS Twilight Moon, Twist Of Fate AS Dust Til Dawn, Twist Of Fate AS Sweet Apricot