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Ridgeviews Hazel

Image coming soon.jpg

D: Ridgeviews Chaos

DD: Ober-Achievers Dixie
DDD: PH-Oberjoyed PH Ober*Ambitious
DDS: PH-Oberjoyed PH Flash N Pan *B

DS: Sir Echo Sirica *B
DSD: SG Sir Echo Siri 8*M (VEVE 90)
DSS: Sir Echo Caprica +*B

S: Dynamic Phoenix Hansel

SD: CH Dynamic PEG Elara
SDD: GCH Dynamic RC Legacy 2*M (EEEV 90)
SDS: PH-Oberjoyed WFT Pegasus 

SS: Rafter Diamond L Phoenix
SSD: SG PH-Oberjoyed PC Phaedra
SSS: Dynamic PT Rose Red

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