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Blue Unicorn SHO Fred Marsala

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D: Blue Unicorn D Cheri Fredrika
DD: Blue Unicorn Don Yancy Cherie 4*M VVVV 85
DDD: Blue Unicorn X'Marzipan Yancy 3*M +VVV 86
DDS: "Thunderheart" T'Prince Adonis VEV 87
DS: Mini Ridge Top Dmitri EEE 92
DSD: SG Mini Ridge Top Buttercup
DSS: Sir Echo Sir Echo Ceesa +*B VEE 90
S: Heaven's Hollow Shay's Shogun *B
SD: SGCH Heaven's Hollow Shayna 7*M VEEE 90
SDD: SGCH Heaven's Hollow Shiloh 6*M EEEE 91
SDS: SG Sir Echo Ceebre +*B VEE 87
SS: Heaven's Hollow Shi's Solution *B
SSD: SGCH Heaven's Hollow Shiloh 6*M EEEE 91
SSS: SG Haycreeks X Solution +*B VEE 90
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